• F - 16 Hush - House Facilities & Avionics Buildings

    Eskişehir, Diyarbakır, Merzifon, Mürted, Balıkesir, Bandırma

    The turn-key Projects consisted of the procurement and construction of the hush-houses and avinoics buildings fitted with all mechanical and electrical systems within the airports of 6 different cities:
    F- 16 Hush House / Eskişehir
    F-16 Hush House / Diyarbakır
    F-16 Hush House / Merzifon
    F-16 Hush House & Avionics Building / Mürted - Ankara F-16 Hush House & Avionics Building / Balıkesir

    F - 16 Hush - House Facilities & Avionics Buildings