Bucharest Motorway (Km 0+000 – 100+900) will be a part of Pan-European Corridor No. 4 and No. 9 and establish the connection between Pitesti – Bucharest and Bucharest – Constanta Motorways.

Lot 1 of Bucharest Motorway will run between Km 52+070 – 69+000 and will cross the following territorial administrative units: Glina, Cernica, Popeşti-Leordeni, Berceni and Vidra. 

Two short term parking areas will be constructed at Km 55+900 and 64+600 and Maintenance & Operation Building at Km 60+300. 14 bridges and overpasses will be constructed in 16,93 km project length. 

Sector 1. Km 52+070 – 52+770 North Section

The motorway route in this sector respects the approved route and ensures the connection with the route South Belt. This sector of the North Belt ensures the connection of the straps located on the left side of the A2 motorway, the lanes belonging to the road node provided for the intersection with the A2 Motorway. The sector ends at the intersection with the A2 Motorway and also includes the passage that it ensures overtaking it. 

From the point of view of the elements in the plane, the alignment route has a speed of 140 km/h design. 

Sector 2. Km 52+770 – 69+000 South Section

Bucharest Motorway South Section continues the North Beltway Route at the intersection with the Bucharest – Constanţa Motorway (A2) at Km 52+770. After the intersection, the route crosses the Dâmboviţa River (Km 54+200) between Glina and Bălăceanca, after which it takes the west direction, crossing Valea Călnăului (Km 59+400) and intersects DN4 at Km 61+650. At this intersection there was provided a “clover” road node. From this intersection the route of the motorway goes parallel to the existing highway, it passes to the north of Berceni, where intersects DJ401 (Km 66+300) the end point of the sector being at Km 69+000. 

The geometrical elements in the plane of the route were designed for the speed of 140 km/h, the minimum radius of connection in the plane being 2,700 m.

Proiectare si Execuție Autostrada de Centură Bucureşti km 0+000 – km 100+900″ – Lotul 1: Sector 1. Km 52+070 – Km 52+770 aferent Centură Nord și Sector 2. Km 52+770 – Km 69+000 aferent Centură Sud
NO./NR. SUBJECT OF THE TENDER/ Obiectul Licitației ANNOUNCE DATE/Dată anunț FINAL APPLICATION DATE/Termen limită de depunere a cererii STATUS/Stare LINK
YEAR 2020     
2020-301-01 Expropriation works/Lucrări de expropriere 02-05-2020 30-06-2020 CLOSED/ÎNCHIS 14 4 2020-301-01_EXPROPRIATION – R01
2020-301-02 Relocation of the Potable Water, Sewage and Irrigation Networks/ Relocare rețele de apă potabilă, canalizare și irigații 01-10-2020 15-03-2021 CLOSED/ ÎNCHIS  2020-301-02_WATER-SEWAGE-IRRIGATION
2020-301-03 Relocation of Telecommunication Network Works/Lucrări de relocare rețele telecomunicații 01-11-2020 01-12-2020 CLOSED/ÎNCHIS  2020-301-03_TELEKOM
2020-301-04 Relocation of the Natural Gas/Oil Networks/Relocare rețele gaze naturale/petrol 01-11-2020 15-01-2021 CLOSED/ÎNCHIS 2020-301-04_GAS_OIL
YEAR 2021
2021-301-01 Relocation of the Natural Gas Networks/Relocare rețele gaze naturale – Transgaz 18-04-2021 06-05-2021 CLOSED/ÎNCHIS 2021-301-01_TRANSGAZ

Relocation of the Natural Gas Networks/Relocare rețele gaze naturale – Transgaz (Km 56+380)

18-08-2021 15-09-2021 CLOSED/ÎNCHIS 2021-301-02_TRANSGAZ
YEAR 2022
2022-301-01 Relocation of the Natural Gas Networks/Relocare rețele gaze naturale – Transgaz (3 lines) 01-09-2022 26-09-2022 CLOSED/ÎNCHIS 2022-301-01_TRANSGAZ
Romania, Bucharest , Section 6, General Vasile Milea Bulvar, 2 P, Etaj :2Phone: +40 31 425 22 82