The M4 line has 9 stations is about 9,25 km long .
• At 3 stations (AKM, Meteoroloji, Dutluk) and along the line of the M4: Toll collection, CCTV, passenger information, telephone, wireless, central clock, announcements, etc. works,
• At 4 stations (Dışkapı, Belediye, Kuyubaşı, Gazino) and along the line of the M4: Traction power and station internal auxiliary transformers, MV transformer control cubicles, DC rectifier and DC batteries, SCADA and emergency trip systems, toll collection, CCTV, passenger information, telephone, wireless, central clock, announcements, etc. works,
• At 2 stations (ASKİ, Mecidiye) and along the line of the M4: Station internal auxiliary transformers, SCADA and emergency trip systems, toll collection, CCTV, passenger information, telephone, wireless, central clock, announcements, etc. works.


• Train Parking Additional Lines superstructure construction Organizing the platform for the manufacturing of the vehicle park rails, connections, railswitches and energy supply tracks (3rd Rail) at the existing Macunköy depot area. Supply and spreading of the sub-ballast, supplying the sleepers, tracks, switches, 3rd rail, automatic rail lubrication unit.
• Signalization system works,
• Supply and install in available space at the present location, additional Rectifier & transformer system together with MV and DC Panels, enclosed LV busbar, in order to increase the capacity of Macunköy substation and thus provide energy for the existing and new tracks.
• Supply and install luminaires, light poles, cables and fuses needed to illuminate the additional vehicle parking area, All revisions required in the existing lines in order to integrate to the superstructure provided under the scope of this work.


• Electromechanical works (supply and distribution of power, toll collection, CCTV, passenger information, telephone, SCADA, wireless, central clock, announcements, emergency trip systems, signalization works etc.) for the additional one (1) station and approximately 0,8 km of extension line.
• All construction, procurement, installation, tests and commissioning necessary works for the integration of electromechanical systems provided under the Ankaray extension project, with existing equipment in order to achieve proper operation of the whole system.


1. Keçiören – AKM M4 Metro

Our work at the Keçiören – AKM (Atatürk Cultural Centre) on the M4 Metro line is completed and this section was set in operation on January 5, 2017. The system was turned over to EGO.

2. Macunköy Depot

Infrastructure at the Macunköy depot area, sub-ballast and track laying work is completed, the 90 % level has been reached in switch assembly and tamping.

3. M1-M4 Connection Tunnel

The procurement and assembly of all infrastructure, electromechanical and signalization work in the said area is finalized and testing and signalization system start ups are about to be completed. According to the work schedule, testing and start up work of the signalization system will be completed within 2018.

4. Ankaray

Infrastructure cabling and assembly work of the EM systems on the Ankaray Line have been completed and the Synchronous Digital Hierarchy (SDH) system and SCADA system set in operation. The existing systems have been transferred to the new SDH system.